Well I have had some what of a ruff start to my turkey season. Opening weekend was not totaly uneventful I did find lots of turkeys almost everywhere I went! The problem is my partner couldnt hunt so I was left alone. I did hunt a few hours monday morning at a new WMA not far from the house actually 2 WMAs, but after a 6' copperhead almost slithered down my pants leg(no joke it was 3" from my leg when i first saw it!) my hunt was over there. I moved to another place I had not scouted much but had duck hunted and deer hunted once before. I sat there until 4 pm with no action or response so I left. I got 300 yards from where i had set up and I realized I had left the stake for my jake-mobile so I left my stuff where it was and walked back to the set up amd as i turned a corner in the field 2 jakes flew from about 100 yards away straight over the spot I was set up! So that ruined my day and I ended up just going home and going to bed! This weekend I will deffinatly get in some decent hunting since I have no distractions. I did find out though that there was a hen Hooded Merganser that had nested on my 40acre lake at home and had 10 little ducklings following her around! When they get a little bigger I am going to see how many are still left and try to get some Duck Junkie bands from Ryan and have some truely special ducks! Although turkey hunting is still on my mind I think I may get cought up in Crappie fishing in the next couple weeks after I graduate. Good luck everyone while hunting or fishing this spring and thank you for joining and helping us break 2000 members!!
Cade Patton
Memphis, Tn
Friday, April 9, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Introducing People to Waterfowl Hunting
I was introduced to waterfowl hunting by my Grandfather at a very young age. At that time I did not understand that others my age probably did not have the same opportunity. As I grew up and put more and more years of duck hunting under my belt I began to realize this. I took an interest in taking people duck hunting that had no idea what they were doing. Although I am only 24, I have taken several friends on their first waterfowl hunts, and they are all addicted now! At times it can be frustrating trying to teach a newcomer but to me the satisfaction of seeing someone shoot their first bird and their reaction to it is amazing. Many of my friends have learned to in's and out's of waterfowling from me and that is very rewarding. Besides the personal satisfaction that I get from taking new people duck hunting, it is also great for the sport. Many of the guys I have gotten into duck hunting now donate time and money to conservation, which helps everyone to be more successful in the field. I would encourage everyone to take a "rookie" duck hunting with them next fall and teach them about this great sport.
Justin Tangeman
Duck Junkies Pro Staff (Iowa)
On The X Outdoors
Justin Tangeman
Duck Junkies Pro Staff (Iowa)
On The X Outdoors
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This decoy is one of Primos's best on the line. It is quite the site to see a real tom come running into it, and tear it to pieces. The one thing to watch out about using this decoys is that it could scare away birds just as easy as it attracts them in. Say a tom comes in but stays a hundred yards away, it ain't coming any further, that means that its not the dominant bird of the area. The jakes are scared of this to. This decoys is one of the best in my eyes and it will be forever.
Last spring we sent B-Mobile™ to a plastic surgeon and what came back was Killer B™. We updated the paint scheme to bring out more iridescent colors in the body and more red in his head. We gave him glass eyes from a taxidermist that make him so realistic that it looks like he is staring at you. We created a tail fan that can move from full strut to ¾ strut to lying flat. We even updated his posture to make him look more like a strutting gobbler.
Killer B™ is made from the same proprietary formula that we have all come to love with B-Mobile™. You can also roll up Killer B™ for easy carry in your vest. This is the most realistic decoy on the market and the one you will find in all of the Primos Video Team members’ vests when they go into the field. B-Mobile™ brought them in close. Killer B™ will have them strutting in your lap….
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

For my first write up for the Duck Junkies Team I thought I would cover some turkey hunting. I started doing some research to make sure I got all my facts straight and on my way through the Minnesota DNR web site I found this great table that covers the turkey hunting applicants, the available licenses, issued licenses, issued percentage, the registered harvested and the most important part to me the success percentage.
I thought this would be a great table for all the turkey hunters in Minnesota, and for all the hunters that would like to give Minnesota a try.
It’s great to see how the percentages have increased in permits verses applicants. And of course the harvest numbers have climbed over the years since Minnesota first had a turkey season. But, my favorite column is the success percentage. The reason the success percentage is my favorite is it shows these birds are not easily harvested. With amazing eye sight and acute hearing they are one tough bird to bag.
They can pickup on the slightest movement. Your hand moving for your gun or bow. A poorly camouflaged face moving into position on the butt of a shotgun. The glint of sun off a shiny broadhead. Their hearing is equally acute. All it can take on a calm morning is the click of a safety. The crunch of a couple of dry leaves under your foot as you shift your weight to ready for the shot. Even the sound of an arrow sliding along a worn rest on your bow as you draw. They are very aware of their surroundings. Remember you are in their house.
Like most animals, some become more adapted to existing close to people and encroaching development. Some will even become aggressive and will charge people to protect their territory or their group. You can see them on the side of the road when your diving or on the edges of fields eating. Strutting close to homes and businesses in groups. Even eating out of bird feeders. Many people see these behaviors and think hunting them is going to be easy. Those birds are not being hunted at the time. They feel safe. But, change one small thing. A quick movement or unfamiliar sound and they are on Red Alert.
Don’t underestimate the wild nature and heightened senses of turkeys. You may wind up at the end of your season wondering how they suddenly got so smart.
On the Minnesota DNR web sight you can also listen to 2 audio clips on turkey hunting. They have some great spring turkey hunting tips and tricks that range from calling in the big one, to the gear that will make the hunt more successful and fun. They cover a lot of information that can help a new hunter, or even a seasoned pro that is looking for a different point of view. My only suggestion is that if you do listen to the audio clips have a piece of paper handy you’ll want to take a few notes.
Always remember, It’s the challenges in the outdoors that make our sports so interesting, and addicting. Share the experience with someone. You’ll be glad you did.
John Rotter JR
Duck Junkies pro staff member
Latest Additions to DuckJunkies.com
We have added a few new things to the site based on recommendations from our members and fans!
There is now a calendar where we will publish events that our Pro Staff will be attending. This will give people a chance to meet our staff up close and personal at events in their area.
There is now a calendar where we will publish events that our Pro Staff will be attending. This will give people a chance to meet our staff up close and personal at events in their area.
Video Page features how to videos and hunting videos. If you would like to suggest a video, let us know!
Our membership form now allows you to choose the topics you are interested in, volunteer to assist with veteran and disabled hunts and more! If you have a membership, be sure to get logged in and update this information. If you don't have a membership, it's free, what are you waiting for?
We have Pro Staff openings in the following states: WA, OR, NV, NM and ME at this time. If you are interested in a Pro Staff position, please fill out the membership form on the Junkies page!
Monday, April 5, 2010
We have been scouting turkeys for the past week. There out there, because we've been hearing them in the mornings. Plus acouple of yotes to. This weekend is the start of turkey hunting. Im pretty excited to go out and try to kill a big ol gobbler. The best type of choke tube for turkey hunting would have to be a Primos Jelly Head with Federal Ammunition. Probably use a 3 inch 12 guage load for turkeys.

Sunday, April 4, 2010
The Reason For Duck Junkies
When I was 14 years old, my Dad introduced me to the great sport of duck hunting. We had a cabin in NW Wisconsin, not too far from where he spent his weekends during his childhood years. It was not in or around any major flyway, but there were some ducks around. Our decoy spread consisted of 8 mallards, 6 bluebills and 12 goose decoys. I had a 20 Mossberg pump, he a 12 gauge. We had a 10 foot boat, that we were able to get on a trade, and a roll of camo netting. It may not seem like much, but I know how hard my dad worked to give me the opportunity, the same opportunity his dad gave him many years earlier, to experience the great sport of duck hunting.
The second day of the season, was a day I can still picture in my minds eye. It is so memorable that I can still smell that early fall morning. I can remember the way the sun rose and kissed my face, and how still the water was still on the lake. But my first duck I remember the most. A drake wood duck darted across the decoys and with a few quacks on a mallard call he turned around for a second pass. I stood up and on the third shot he fell. I was so excited I couldn't believe it. My dad rowed us out to pick him up, my heart racing the whole way. When I picked him up out of the water and saw his beautiful full colors, I became a Junkie.
Ever since that day there was almost nothing that could keep me out of the blind. When the season was good I would write notes for myself to get out of school, just to get an extra hunt in on the weekend. And as the years progressed and the internet grew, I found myself looking for places to learn more about bird locations, bird movements and techniques that would make me a better hunter. The problem I would always run into is that everyone made all kinds of great promises about their site, only to fall short. Many sites bragged about all the connections you would make in your area, but there was no one to be found. Other sites claimed to have experienced hunters on staff that would help you become a better hunter, but when you asked a "stupid question" you would be ridiculed. No matter how much you put in, you always felt left out. All things that made me frustrated, especially when some sites you had to buy a membership.
After years of my wife listening to my complaints, she finally asked me why I don't start my own site. I had great hesitation when I thought about it, and I am not quite sure what it was that finally made me do it, But I knew that there were others out there like me, asking the same questions.
Last September I started Duck Junkies with this blog page. After a few weeks I had enough money put together to start a web site, and in the 3rd week of October in 2009, Duck Junkies started. The focus was to create a place, a community, where hunters could go to connect with other hunters, give and share advice, and feel like they were part of more than a "site". A web site that was built around the members, by the members. This is why in January we introduce the "Junkie Of The Month". It was my way of showing appreciation to the members for being involved. In this month we also started to do monthly contests, as a way for the members to get involved and have fun, but also reward them for their efforts. In recent months we started to offer special discounts in the forum and to new members that fill out the online membership form, as a way to say thank you.
Another big part for me, was the ability to give back. I formed a partnership with Hunters Helping Soldiers and Hunters With Disabilities, to give someone else an opportunity that they may not otherwise have, to get out and enjoy the great sport we all love. We also made the commitment to donate not only to these charities, but to conservation as well. We have been able to donate to many conservation chapters, and look forward to doing so in the future.
Having a great prostaff team in place is also an important part. We hand pick each prostaff members with different talents, abilities, and experience to better serve our members needs and questions. I am very fortunate to have not only a great team, but a great group of members. With out YOU, there would be no Duck Junkies. This is something I remind myself of everyday, and can promise you, I will never forget. We have come a long ways in 7 months, and I smile to think what the future hold for us here at Duck Junkies.
I am Ryan, and I am a Duck Junkie!
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