Wednesday, March 3, 2010
That Gobble is not far away
Here in Tennessee Turkey season does not open until April 3 but luckly I am fortunate enough to have land in 3 states! Mississippi turkey season opens next week end, wow can't believe it is that close! I am really excited and ready to finally kill a big Tom. I am lucky enough that i get to start my scouting this nest week. Turkey hunting is now my second favorite bird to hunt, they may not fly like ducks but they will for sure get your heart rate going as they come in full strutt into your decoys. This is the first year I have seen more Turkeys than I know what to do with. I have found over 4 flocks within 10 miles of my house that have at least one 3 or 4 year old Tom in the group. Everyday at 2 o'clock i get the pleasure of seeing the same big Tom with about a dozen hens in a field right outside of the city! It amazes me that almost anywhere you go in the US you can find a place to Turkey hunt. Being the hunting fanatic I am it will be hard to keep myself from skipping class and going to chase all of these turkeys I have found. I hope that everyone has great luck this turkey season with long beards and huge spurs! Happy hunting, Cade Patton Tn
hello all
Hello all! My name is Micah Duffy and I will be working as a Prostaffer for Utah and Idaho. We had some Great hunts this year and are currenty after snow geese. Ill submit a report as soon as we get some bagged. As of Right now there are a couple thousand in the Twin Falls and American Falls reservoir Area in Idaho. Cache Valley and the north end of the Salt Lake Valley are slowly melting off snow and havent seen much in the way of Snow Geese so far. Thousands of Canadians and Lessers are here everywhere! Delta Utah has seen increasing numbers of Snow geese and Many of my close hunting friends are down there getting their limits. Ill put up some pics when I get them.
Area DU Chapter honored
I can't believe I forgot to include this in my earlier post. CONGRATS!!!!!!
As shown in the Brazosport Facts:
Every year, the list is reserved for the 100 chapters that raise the most grassroots dollars for Ducks Unlimited’s habitat conservation work. The Matagorda County chapter made the list as one of the organization’s highest fundraisers.
“These fundraising events are the backbone of how DU conserves habitat and the volunteers who make up these chapters are the on-the-ground conservationists making a difference for North American waterfowl populations,” John Pope, president of Ducks Unlimited, said in a news release. “It takes a lot of effort to crack the Top 100, and these chapters deserve to be congratulated from every person who enjoys the outdoors.”
The Matagorda County chapter has earned its spot on the President’s Top 100 list out of more than 3,500 chapters nationwide. Ducks Unlimited’s grassroots system has become a model for other conservation organizations worldwide and has funded a portion of the more than 12 million acres Ducks Unlimited has conserved since 1937.
“DU chapters throughout the country are showing that the future of waterfowl populations and wetlands that filter our drinking water are important to them and their communities,” Pope said. “The more money we raise, the more habitat we can conserve and the closer we are to preserving our waterfowl hunting heritage. I would like to personally thank all our Top 100 chapters for their achievement and look forward to seeing them among our elite chapters next year.”
As shown in the Brazosport Facts:
Area Duck chapter honored
From staff reports The Facts | |
Published March 2, 2010
The President’s Top 100 are considered Ducks Unlimited’s elite chapters throughout the nation.Every year, the list is reserved for the 100 chapters that raise the most grassroots dollars for Ducks Unlimited’s habitat conservation work. The Matagorda County chapter made the list as one of the organization’s highest fundraisers.
“These fundraising events are the backbone of how DU conserves habitat and the volunteers who make up these chapters are the on-the-ground conservationists making a difference for North American waterfowl populations,” John Pope, president of Ducks Unlimited, said in a news release. “It takes a lot of effort to crack the Top 100, and these chapters deserve to be congratulated from every person who enjoys the outdoors.”
The Matagorda County chapter has earned its spot on the President’s Top 100 list out of more than 3,500 chapters nationwide. Ducks Unlimited’s grassroots system has become a model for other conservation organizations worldwide and has funded a portion of the more than 12 million acres Ducks Unlimited has conserved since 1937.
“DU chapters throughout the country are showing that the future of waterfowl populations and wetlands that filter our drinking water are important to them and their communities,” Pope said. “The more money we raise, the more habitat we can conserve and the closer we are to preserving our waterfowl hunting heritage. I would like to personally thank all our Top 100 chapters for their achievement and look forward to seeing them among our elite chapters next year.”
Another one in the books
As another season draws to a close, some of us find ourselves staggering in the night trying to figure out what just happened. Why are we still waking up so early? Why are we still eyeballing every water hole we pass? And why for goodness sakes are we still blowing our calls while we're driving by ourselves? Yes..... it's really over. For now. But look on the bright side, Spring turkey is right around the corner! And don't forget the crows that need killin'! Now is the time that needs to be spent cleaning gear and putting things away until next season. Calls and decoys need to be stored, the dog needs a little break, and families need that time together that is often overlooked. Let's make the most of our time with the kiddos while we still can and get them involved with everything we do for our sport.
If you're here on the Texas gulf coast, your thoughts are probably wandering into the bays by now and rightfully so. Big trout are out there but it seems like nobody wants to go get them unless it's a "bluebird" day and all the conditions are just right. For the fisherman that is. As most of you know, now is prime time to be chasing the big girls and sometimes the conditions are less than comfortable. Well we just have to dig a little deeper and decide how much we really enjoy fishing! Just hang in there folks and keep plugging away. If fishing isn't your thing, just get outdoors because there's miles and miles of Texas that you still haven't seen!
Let me know what you'd like to see from my neck of the woods and don't hesitate to ask me here or shoot me an email. If I don't have the answers I can sure find out and maybe we'll both learn a thing or two in the process. As the Duck Junkies site grows bigger by the day, be sure and recommend it to a friend or two and we'll see how big this thing can get. Until next time..........
If you're here on the Texas gulf coast, your thoughts are probably wandering into the bays by now and rightfully so. Big trout are out there but it seems like nobody wants to go get them unless it's a "bluebird" day and all the conditions are just right. For the fisherman that is. As most of you know, now is prime time to be chasing the big girls and sometimes the conditions are less than comfortable. Well we just have to dig a little deeper and decide how much we really enjoy fishing! Just hang in there folks and keep plugging away. If fishing isn't your thing, just get outdoors because there's miles and miles of Texas that you still haven't seen!
Let me know what you'd like to see from my neck of the woods and don't hesitate to ask me here or shoot me an email. If I don't have the answers I can sure find out and maybe we'll both learn a thing or two in the process. As the Duck Junkies site grows bigger by the day, be sure and recommend it to a friend or two and we'll see how big this thing can get. Until next time..........
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Well everyone id like to say im thankful for this past season as for one i had a great season and to the birth of our new baby girl. It wasn't easy by no means as there were some problems with the birth but all went and ended well now i have a new little huntress in the works along with her 5 year old sister.
As for the last week of the goose season here in Ontario with a 10 bird limit i am making the best of it using my long bow for the 2010 season which i have come to respect a little more since hanging up the shotgun for a year, the season runs until march the 6th and then its on to the turkeys which i know everybody is lookin forward to calling in a big o'le thunder chickin in to bow range or shotgun range.
I know some of u your season is over but u know its never really over inside because the next time your out and u seen a flock of birds flying over head you will still get that excitement inside of having birds lock up and committed and the sounds that fill a crisp cool morning on the water or in the field.
I wish everyone a safe and successful hunting year in 2010.
As for the last week of the goose season here in Ontario with a 10 bird limit i am making the best of it using my long bow for the 2010 season which i have come to respect a little more since hanging up the shotgun for a year, the season runs until march the 6th and then its on to the turkeys which i know everybody is lookin forward to calling in a big o'le thunder chickin in to bow range or shotgun range.
I know some of u your season is over but u know its never really over inside because the next time your out and u seen a flock of birds flying over head you will still get that excitement inside of having birds lock up and committed and the sounds that fill a crisp cool morning on the water or in the field.
I wish everyone a safe and successful hunting year in 2010.
Electronic Dog Collars
So the other day I bought a Electric Collar for my yellow lab. I didn't get it to train him anything new, i got it to reinforce the stuff he already new. When i first put it on him he didn't understand what the beeping noise meant or where the shocking feeling was coming from. As the days went by he started to understand what everything meant and now I don't even have to turn it on or put it on him and he listen a whole heck of alot better. So i was visiting my grandparents the other day and i had him with me and he had his collar on him. When grandpa asked what that was i told him he got mad and took it off of him. So i guess my point is, whats your opinion on the Electronic Collars? Are they inhuman or no?
-Dylan Barber
The signs of the Waterfowl Gods!!
I was sitting in a 6X6 pop-up blind at 4AM Thursday evening/morning, waiting for some hogs to show their snouts at the feeder, when I heard the beautiful sound of Geese Flying overhead. I then looked to my brother who had heard the same & we both smiled!!
Another sign, I was driving home yesterday evening after work to be greeted by two pairs of Wood Ducks flying across the Interstate of the darkening tired sky!! There's not a better feeling about Duck Season than to see the pairing of ducks beginning to settle in your area!! Man I love DUCK HUNTING!!
Another sign, I was driving home yesterday evening after work to be greeted by two pairs of Wood Ducks flying across the Interstate of the darkening tired sky!! There's not a better feeling about Duck Season than to see the pairing of ducks beginning to settle in your area!! Man I love DUCK HUNTING!!
Almost Turkey Time
With waterfowl season long gone and ice fishing about done, time to think turkey hunting and fly fishing here in Connecticut. Turkey season starts on April 28th this year and runs through the month of May. Hunters are allowed 2 bearded birds on state land and 3 bearded birds on private. Time to get the calls out and practice and make sure you pattern those shotguns. While scouting for turkey spots, I'm always on the lookout for new duck spots too.
The official date for the opening of trout season is April 17th although you can fish year round in the state trout management areas. There isn't much of a snow pack up north of us this year so unless we get a whole lot of rain this spring, the rivers should be manageable. Saltwater fly fishing is a wicked blast and if you ever get out this way, you should put it on your to-do list. A 15 to 20 pound striped bass on a fly rod?... need I say more.
So plenty of stuff to do until early goose opens up in September. I'm hoping to do some fishing up in Maine for some big brook trout and togue(wabanaki word for lake trout, that's what the Maine folk call em) and finally get a blind set up at my brother in-laws place for the October duck season.
The official date for the opening of trout season is April 17th although you can fish year round in the state trout management areas. There isn't much of a snow pack up north of us this year so unless we get a whole lot of rain this spring, the rivers should be manageable. Saltwater fly fishing is a wicked blast and if you ever get out this way, you should put it on your to-do list. A 15 to 20 pound striped bass on a fly rod?... need I say more.
So plenty of stuff to do until early goose opens up in September. I'm hoping to do some fishing up in Maine for some big brook trout and togue(wabanaki word for lake trout, that's what the Maine folk call em) and finally get a blind set up at my brother in-laws place for the October duck season.
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Monday, March 1, 2010
Hanging It Up For The Year
Besides all of you Snow Goose hunters out there, by now your waterfowl season has passed by and it's time to pack away all the equipment until next season. I know first hand what a not so friendly feeling it is to have to put the equipment away, knowing it will be quite some time until it is loaded up in the truck or trailer again. While some might just pack all the decoys, blinds, and camo away only to worry about it next season, over the past few seasons I have been taking a different approach. When my season has ended, I spend a weekend cleaning off all my decoys, blinds, and any other equipment taken out into the field. I also use this time to make a list of anything that is broken or worn that is in need of repairs and replacement. This is also a good time to make a 'wish list' for the up and coming season. With my equipment stored away and my two list to stare at through the off season. I devote some free time in the months to come to repairs and new purchases. I found over the years that this process works better for me as opposed to getting all my equipment out a month before the season starts and having limited time to make repairs and new equipment purchases. Hopefully you also can avoid those 'last minute scrambles' to be prepared for your opening day.
Wrapping up then end of the season...

Hello Duck Junkies,
It is that time of year again. The end, the part where everyone is hanging decoys and cleaning guns. I, just like every other "Duck Junkie" hates to see it go but is thankful to end a great season! Let me proceed to reminice on my 09-10 Season. I would like to share a couple photos with you all. Hope y'all enjoy as much as I do.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Off season scouting
I am always looking for ducks. I found these at Dairy Queen!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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